Up-to-date app which really works !
Прибалтика - Новости туризма
22.04.2020 19:14



Intistele is a vital program which could find answer for varied issues. The mechanism helps to send message easily.

Main part

According to the quick pulse of our life and especially eager to save time - a vast majority of people give preference bulk texting for the reason that this way of communication is the quickest and the most comfortable for busy people. .

Advantages and Disadvantages

The usage of SMS has a lot of strengths. For example:

Easy to use. The condition is to sign up and top up the balance. Now you are ready to give a task or spread the important information.

Quality & price. It is helpful to control the limit and top up the balance based upon your budget. The quality of send messages will be perfect.

The average time of SMS distribution compiles from 20 seconds to 3 minutes (in case the place you are settled possesses network coverage).


What opportunities are possible for departments and industries?

Department Solutions

Every organization meet such concept as optimization of every single operation. It should be done to satisfy user's needs.

SMS is a beneficial solution for  programmers. It is a choice for all.

SMS software is a useful mechanism for achieving each marketing goals. For example:

Simple automation and optimization of  timetable in campaigns. You will not miss your colleagues` birthday with the help of the SMS operating system.

SMS could become an inherent part of the department`s everyday routine. This software  is ready to help:

To import statistics to XLS or CSV just with one click.

web designers can integrate IntisTele API gateway.

Owing to this option it is possible to transfer big amount of  messages, send HRL requests.

Not restricted by time testing access to IntisTele bulk texting system gives permission for debugging your unique program solutions.

It is easy to start with IntisTele SDK for PHP.

Intis Telecommunication plugins and widgets are created to smooth integration of most major CMS (Joomla).

Bulk texting commands are helpful for sysadmins because they can make distant administration and server management.

Notify on time about any alerts.

You do not necessary need internet access, as all servers are managed by SMS commands.

Business owners also can organize their employees' schedule with the help of the SMS software. Define instructions for your colleagues.

Intis Telecommunication software is free for all. Here you can find recognizable web interface, variant of payment action that will match every wallet and a very captivating affiliate program. With the help of bulk texting software:

It is possible to receive simple access to services. Two things that you require to use bulk texting software are the Internet and browser.

Everybody will be surprised by the speed of bulk texting transferring.

Solutions by industry

The SMS software solution is suitable for offline and online shopping. This service can help to solve a issues of different spheres in various industries.

With the help of SMS solutions insurance companies can provide the best service for the clients.

It is a excellent solution for trading. With bulk texting software there is an alternative to establish notifications concerning offers.

This software considered to be the best solution advance travel and transport services and make clients have the best adventure in the time of their journeys.

Bulk texting could be helpful for startups and IT. This integration is crucial for hosting.

Bulk texting warn to provide security. It could be applied for surveillance.

SMS software prices

It is no big deal to refill the balance and settle the budget which you are ready to provide. Intis Telecommunication could propose different methods to fund the balance. For example, Credit cards.

Application Programming Interface

Application Programming Interface is a method, with the help of which one device is able to connect with the other PC. The system was created for mixing diverse applications in one complex.

With API you can delete SMS mail-outs

It can be introduced to CRM.


On the occasion you have any additional questions concerning the service and how it works, do not hesitate to go to IntisTele FAQ.

Instructions for writing the best SMS

Make message targeted. Split the database into single categories by purchase history.

And finally you are able to deliver offers only to those who are interested in product.

Write brief and clear . One of the least unfavorable things you can figure out to your message mail-out is long texts.

The abundance of text in the bulk text can make the customer reject it rather than read. The compact message is fundamental to high conversions.

Affiliate program

Thanks to a special Intis Telecommunication Affiliate program each client can achieve a commission for attracting first time client. You could gain around to 10% of the month's refill balance payment, which was made by the user you have brought to Intis Telecommunication system.

Summary about SMS software

Sending SMS about products could become the best decision for your business. It will increase your profit. Because of this bulk texts are widely spread among service providers.

Information sources: https://www.intistele.com/




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